After discussing the exam, and and after having the round-table status updates, people started working on their projects.
Verena (pictured below) continued working on her project of illustrations. She is to provide 15 - 25 high quality to scale drawings. Her drawings are so good, and amazingly accurate! (She uses a caliper, and a magnifying glass as her assistants.)
Here's an example (and keep in mind that my photo of the artifact is horrid), of her drawing of the inside of a lighter.
Here is my horrid photo of the same object. Her drawings are clear and pristine, which makes it perfect to document any minute details.
This sketch is of the chimney damper that Andy had found in the hillside cabin on June 1st 2010. For a picture of Andy holding it, click here.
Here is another image! Verena was able to do this drawing in about an hour, and she had spent the rest of the time (4 hours) working on the following image which details the bottom of the bottle.
Simon continued working on his "minimum bottle" project and completed his quest through this years artifact inventory, and will soon go through the level bags and all the bottles previously recorded. Simon played music for us today, which is why we be jammin'. The lab had a relaxed but productive atmosphere today.
The report master, Andy, was able to start putting together some information. His job is to assemble, format, and proofread all of the documentation that Bob hands to him.
Nadia continued her research, and she had some news for us with Colgate. The toothpaste bottle found in a previous school year has official dates of production: they are between 1857 and 1928. This is different from information collected on the tube in the past, because a former student had thought that it started production in 1928, which was one of the many reasons that Bob had thought that Japanese continued to live in the logging camp after the 1920's.
The lid says "Colgate & Co. New York".
Photo of the front:
Photo of the back:
Andrea also did some research on the Vaseline bottle that she found in her unit on Wednesday. Preliminary research shows that this particular bottle design was produced between 1925 & 1933. This information really helps support Bob's hypothesis! Andrea is still waiting to hear back from Vaseline to confirm her research.
Close up!
Andrea also found out that Vaseline, discovered by Robert Chesebrough, had merged with Ponds in 1955, and were renamed "Chesebrough-Ponds", which was purchased by Unilever in 1987. Speaking of Ponds jars... below is a photo of the several found on site!
Just for fun, here is a picture of Bob (with Brittany) hunting around for the missing hose-head which was needed to wash off the field equipment.
The lab day tomorrow is optional, so over and out until Monday when the class will be in the field surveying!
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